(12 to 16 years)

Educación secundaria

At the Secondary Education (ESO) stage, we understand and facilitate that our students can fully develop their concerns, tastes, interests and competencies, through the educational proposal that the school proposes to broaden its curriculum.

As a school we belive it is essential to analyze through this perspective all those aspects in which our students develop their personality, and so;

  • We participate with them in a visible civic commitment through social projects.
  • We value the importance of linguistic diversity through the learning of different languages and their cultures.
  • We reflect together on the challenges of our society in order to formulate local and global solutions.
  • We promote student leadership empowering students to participate in the challenges of their time with creativity, self-confidence and international awareness, fostering critical thinking.
  • We support adolescents during this stage of life by raising awareness of their physical and emotional health needs and providing assistance from a team of qualified professionals in education and psychology.
  • We offer a diverse and flexible curriculum, which covers different areas of knowledge so that students can prepare themselves intellectually and academically in accordance with their present and future interests.
  • We are committed to adapting learning and cognitive processes with the premise of including all students in each of the courses of the stage.
  • We guide our students and families in making academic decisions that lead to a particular type of baccalaureate and its modality. We also advise our students in the choice of university careers based on their interests and their connection with the social demand in sectors of constant change.
  • We provide contemporary knowledge tools upholding academic integrity using reliable sources of information and respecting intellectual property.
  • We share knowledge in unique learning spaces including laboratories, lecture halls, museums, libraries, rehearsal rooms and other workshops, to foster respect and promote appreciation for each subject.
  • We continuosly analyze new technologies to support our students in their discovery and their academic and social possibilities.


In the academic year 2021/2022, Colegio Base International School began implementing the Middle Years Programme (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate in 1st ESO. By the academic year 2023/2024 webecame an authorized school.

The PAI is an international educational program designed for students from 12 to 16 years of age that stimulates the integral development of the student, encouraging inquiry and applying active methodologies to develop conceptual understanding and open thinking.

The MYP curriculum enables them to obtain the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a globalized, changing and complex world.




Secondary school is a transformative journey of learning, growth and self-discovery, equipping young people for the exciting chapters that lie ahead.


  • BASE to Fly: ‘Base to fly ‘ or “The library of emotions”, based on our extensive experience in neurodidactics, aims to cultivate a love of reading and develop the emotional intelligence of students In a welcoming, active, vibrant and intellectually free environment, we strive for personal enrichment and collective well-being.
  • LEARNING FOREST: An open classroom where we explore different ways to improve the lives of those around us, share resources and promote the sustainability of planet Earth. A place to seek solutions to conflicts, near and far, in order to create a better world. A perfect environment to put into practice all the Soft Skills we work on in class.
  • ESPOOTransdisciplinary classroom, which houses our library and serves as a space for various activities fostering inquiry, challenging established norms, conducting research,organizing acquired information, tformulating their own conclusions, reflecting and the proposing of action plans.
  • BASE TALKS: Together with BASE TV Y RADIO BASE, students and families have another perfect setting to continue cultivating communication skills: public speaking and debate, reading groups, conferences, monologues, training workshops, etc.

Personalized attention. A firm commitment to EDUCATE BASED ON YOU.

  • Attention to diversity: We work according to each student’s need for as long as necessary. We respond to a wide variety of profiles, extending classroom work in the development of reading, writing and logical-mathematical reasoning. We work with the help of active, up-to-date and individualized methodologies, in which structured play, teamwork and positive reinforcement to generate greater motivation, are key elements. We also develop skills in executive functions: attention, self-control, organisation, planning and emotion regulation. We learn to use useful strategies and resources to be able to generalise and apply what we have learnt in other contexts, inside and outside school. Our priority is promoting emotional well-being and enhancing self-esteem. This allows us to better understand the diversity of our students and work in a coordinated way to improve their school and social-emotional experience. We are becoming more competent every day and having a lot of fun!
  • High Abilities: Pioneering and innovative programme of attention and development of talent and social-emotional management for students with high abilities and their families. People on the high ability spectrum are characterised by their divergent thinking, feelings and connection with the world. However they are also heterogeneous and have various educational, social and, especially, emotional needs. Our motivation: to meet all these demands. We start from the interests and needs of the group, with a flexible methodology that alternates between techniques, projects and talks aimed at promoting the triad ‘development of talent, development of creativity and attention to socio-emotional management. We are supported by the entire educational community – students, teachers, families, former students and experts in different areas of interest. Every
    week we foster motivation to keep creating. Based on experience, we can conclude that students feel understood and, together with their families and teachers, take responsibility for keeping this space alive and growing.
  • Science LAB: We learn by doing, thanks to our own constructivist method: “HANDS-ON SCIENCE”. Starting from previous knowledge, we investigate and try to come up with solutions to current, real-life problems. We cultivate a passion for science through enquiry, the scientific method and ICTs, developing social, communication, thinking, research and self-control skills.
  • Design for Change: Supported by active methodologies such as “Design Thinking” and soft skills development, this initiative was born with the purpose to create scenarios where our students can freely express their voices, exercise the ability to choose, undertake projects and assume responsibility for driving positive change towards a better world.
  • Robotics: We understand robotics as a tool for a deeper comprehention of ongoing processes of change. Therefore, by integrating content from computational thinking and programming, we pose our own challenges. In this process, through a protocol of logical tasks and specific codes, we collaborate in making decisions to solve the unknowns that arise in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.
  • EnamorARTE: In collaboration with the Daniel Cuevas art gallery, we learn side by side with leading contemporary artists. Exploring different artistic proposals, from different perspectives to deepen our understanding of the expressive language in these creations. Through this proccess, we aim to encourage creativity and artistic dialogue, accompanying the students in the elaboration of their own art works. Finally, we exhibit all the original creations for the whole educational community.
  • L.O.V.A. (Opera, a Learning Vehicle): A project of the Teatro Real. The school becomes a large auditorium. Pupils create their own opera company in English and work independently on dramaturgy, characterisation, costumes, acting, public relations, production, lighting, stage management, scenery, choreography and music.
  • UBUNTU: The multi-award winning Ubuntu project is a musical initiative, led by the Carlos III Orchestra and performed by more than 400 singers from different schools. Through music and choral singing, we work as a team, developing self-esteem and motivation. We also value the importance of equality and integration. Every year, as the culmination of our learning process, we present the show at the Teatro Circo Price in Madrid, in front of thousands of people.
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