National Baccalaureate

(16 to 18 years)

Educación secundaria

Get to know our National Baccalaureate!

We are fully aware that the aim of all our students is to continue higher education at university. Therefore, we understand that both the academic preparation and the grades they obtain in these courses will be crucial factors in selecting the university degree they want and the university they want.

For this reason, in Bachillerato we develop a demanding academic project that emphasizes values such as the ‘culture of effort’, hard work and gratification derived from a job well done. This project has been rewarded over the years, both by the high number of students who graduate from the school at the end of this stage, and by the good results they achieve in the University Entrance Exams.

We offer pupils the possibility of taking the LOMCE ((national baccalaureate) or International Baccalaureate. In the case of the LOMCE, we offer the Baccalaureate in Social Sciences and Humanities or Baccalaureate in Scientific, Technological and Biosanitary, with all the routes and itineraries that guarantee the possibility of pursuing any university degree after approving the corresponding entrance exam.

In English, students have the opportunity to take Cambridge Proficiency Exam, which corresponds to level C-2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), at the end of their 2nd Baccalaureate.

They also continue to study a second foreign language and have the option to take exams corresponding to their proficiency level in that language.

National Baccalaureate is a stage where we offer our students the possibility to collaborate with students from other schools and nationalities through projects such as the European Debating Forum, the European Parliament Model or “Unesmun” the United Nations model of schools associated with Unesco, or volunteering in different institutions.

In addition to the National Baccalaureate, Colegio Base International School offers its students the option of enrolling in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme In accordance with IB World School standards, we are committed to providing a rigorous, quality international education.

This programme not only focuses on academic excellence but also promotes enquiry, solidarity, intercultural understanding and open-mindedness. It also instils the attitudes necessary to respect and evaluate different points of view.

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