Guidance and Psychopedagogy

The Guidance and Psychopedagogy Department of our school is a fundamental pillar in the full development of our students. Our team of highly trained professionals is dedicated to providing emotional, academic and personal support to all students.

Our mission is to foster a healthy school environment, where each student feels safe and motivated to reach their full potential. We offer individual and group counselling, providing academic, emotional and social guidance. We work closely with families, students, teachers and staff to ensure the well-being of our students.

In the Counselling and Psychopedagogy Department, we are committed to creating an environment where every student can grow, learn and thrive.
Its main objectives and functions are:

To collaborate in the prevention, detection and monitoring of possible learning difficulties and/or behavioural problems of students.

To advise teachers and tutors in the teaching and learning process of students.

To offer general and/or individual information to students by helping them to orientate their academic and professional life.

To carry out individual assessments at the request of tutors, teachers or families in order to prevent and detect learning-related difficulties and problems of personal and school adjustment at an early stage.

Personalised attention to families when detecting or following up any type of difficulty presented by the pupil.

Throughout the ESO and Bachillerato stages, the Guidance Department accompanies our students in their decision-making process, offering them all the necessary information and establishing the conditions for a critical reflection on their personal and professional future.

Check here for all the information.

Through the Base School Foundation, we develop a Family School programme in which, through the intervention of specialists in different areas, we address in the form of talks and discussions topics of interest related to the world of education in the different stages of development of our students.

By way of example, we point out issues related to emotional education, communication with children, interpersonal relationships, overprotection, etc.

You can access here to the meetings and resources developed by the Guidance and Psychopedagogy Department.


At Colegio Base International School we offer a speech therapy service where we work closely with students to address a variety of speech, language and communication difficulties. From improving pronunciation to overcoming language disorders, our team is committed to helping each student develop effective communication skills and reach their full academic and social potential.

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