Our history

Colegio Base International School is an independent, non-denominational private school. It was founded in 1962, in a small villa in the north of Madrid, by a group of young university students who, inspired by the principles of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza, promoted educational renewal in Spain. In 1980 it moved its facilities to La Moraleja, Alcobendas, which were extended in 2019 to form its current campus of more than 30,000 m2.

Our educational proposal ranges from one year to university, providing Preschool (1 to 6 years), Primary, ESO (P.A.I.) and Baccalaureate, both nationally and internationally through the IB Diploma Programme.

It is a medium sized school, which avoids the overcrowding problems of large schools and the limitations of smaller schools, providing a solid international education in a learning environment.

Since its foundation in 1962, Colegio Base International School has remained a liberal, co-educational, non-denominational, independent institution with no political identification, nor any particular cultural or professional group.

One of its most distinctive aspects is its student-teacher relationship model, based on affection and mutual respect, rather than hierarchies, creating a safe and caring environment for the happiness of the students and fostering their motivation as a pillar of the educational project.

The main objective of the school is to understand the needs of each of its students and to help them, through their academic preparation, to develop their interests. This involves providing a broad educational proposal that promotes the development of their abilities and competencies for their personal and professional future. Furthermore, it focuses on communication in English, aware of globalisation, and on the internalisation of the values contained in its educational project, encouraging their application in all facets of the students’ lives.

Colegio Base International School seeks to form prepared, respectful individuals with an international perspective.


Acquiring an international mindset implies having a worldview in which individuals belong to a global community and assume a sense of responsibility towards the other citizens that make it up. It implies an awareness of the interrelatedness of all peoples and nations, and an understanding of the complexity of these relationships.

nally minded people appreciate and value the diversity of cultures in the world and strive to learn more about them. They demonstrate a personal concern for people around the world,which manifests itself through a sense of moral responsibility towards others and a commitment to the values of a community. They are ultimately aware of the long-term consequences of human behaviour on global society and our habitat.


We aim for the whole educational community, and especially its pupils, to share a particular vision of the world and therefore to be educated in the following knowledge and skills:

  • Respect for people regardless of race, culture, personal and sexual identity, ideology and belief.
  • Respect for oneself and the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits.
  • The emotional and social development of our pupils.
  • The “passion for learning”, the development of intellectual curiosity, and the importance of continuous learning, based on the following aspects:

A reflective and critical spirit.





Open-mindedness and awareness of being a “citizen of the world”.

Social, environmental and solidarity behaviour.

An inquiring and investigative nature.

Initiative and entrepreneurship.

Innovative spirit.

Communication skills.

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