Educational Stages

Our educational stages range from Preschool (1 year) to Baccalaureate (18 years), including the different programmes proposed by the International Baccalaureate (IB). Get to know in detail each phase of the learning process of our students, their projects and methodologies used in our school in each of the educational stages.


(1 to 6 years)

We start our journey from DISCOVERY

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(6 to 12 years)

We continue to INQUIRE to change the WORLD

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(12 to 16 years)

We accompany them in their emotional and intellectual growth

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(16 to 18 years)

We strengthen their skills for the contemporary world

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From their early childhood, we lay the foundations of their curiosity and give them wings to discover the world around them . As they grow up, they reach their teenage years, a time of consolidation and personal growth. Here, we help them discover their passions and strengths, guiding them on the exciting passage to self-discovery and development of their unique identity. Moving foward to higher education, where doors open to new opportunities. Now is the time to equip our young people with the tools they need to specialize and immerse themselves in areas they are truly passionate about in their lives.

It is not just a linear process, but an exciting ladder of opportunity. When we embrace this journey with enthusiasm, we provide them with the wings they need to soar to unimagined heights.

Education at Colegio Base International School is an exciting lifelong journey, full of discovery, growth and exciting achievements for our students.

We are here to support your children every step of the way, guiding them and empowering them to reach their dreams. Together, we accompany them in shaping their future.

Thank you for trusting us on this incredible educational journey!

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